A Christ centered ministry with a goal of feeding those in need.

So, who are those in need?
Obviously, those in financial crisis, but also those that are well within the struggle. Perhaps there is someone who lost a loved one, had surgery, dealing with mental health issue, or is just spread too thin due to the burdens of life. Maybe their spouse is deployed or their kids are driving them crazy. Maybe you just want to meet the new neighbor and need a conversation starter. The list goes on and on to the reasons why someone is struggling or not, it is not our place to judge but help. There are no requirements necessary to receive or give a meal. Together we can help those people in the struggle and show them the love of Jesus.
How do I get a meal?
Whether you need a meal for yourself or to give to someone else, it's easy!
- Sundays and Wednesdays: Contact Cindy Patterson, Kristin Skinner, or Michelle Conway
- Every other day: Call Rendella at the office, and she will reach one of the team members to get you a meal or email Heart2Table21@gmail.com

Want to get Involved?
If you feel convicted by the spirit to help with this cause, there are various ways you can help.
- We welcome fellow chefs that are willing to put in some love in the kitchen or share easy freezer recipes.
- Maybe you don’t feel confident in your culinary skills, we welcome donations in either money or ingredients.
- You can donate on PushPay please select Heart2Table in the scroll bar, by cash or check to the church with Heart2Table in the notes.
- Ingredients vary so check back monthly for next recipe ingredients and cooking dates.
- Here is a list of on going needs we have to make this a successful ministry:
- Tin Foil
- Gallon Freezer Zip-Locks
- Gloves
- Masks
- Spices: all kinds
- Black Sharpies
- Disposable Round and Rectangular Pans WITH LIDS.